She probably remembers the first time you said, “Yes.” She was full of hopes and dreams of a new life. Much like all the young girls her age on the cusp of marriage. Her thoughts would have never stayed with her reality...
Tag - Writing
என்ன நேரம் இப்பொழுது? வெளியிலே இருட்டாகி விட்டதால் இதை இரவு என்று எண்ணிக்...
The hour of the waning of love has beset us,And weary and worn are our sad souls now;Let us part, ere the season of passion forget us,With a kiss and a tear on thy drooping brow. — W. B. YeatsThe Falling of the Leaves...
அன்புடன் அப்பாவிற்கு, உன்னை பற்றி நினைக்கும் போது, எனக்கு ஞாபகம் வருவதெல்லாம் ஒரே...
You may be a thriller fanatic or someone with the magical ability to create a distinct world of your own! You may be an author or a screenwriter. Across all genres and the form of the story you choose to say. I bet you would...
If you are reading this, you must be in this situation right now. You have a great story idea in your mind. You run to your desk, switch to Word on your desktop (or a stack of papers if you are old fashioned like me)...